Dead White Mens Clothes
Dead White Mens Clothes is a project by Ghanaian artist Jojo Gronostay and Amsterdam Berlin GmbH, which sets out to provoke discourses on capitalism, neo-colonialism, identity and fashion.
The origins of the label’s name lie in the Ghanaian term “obroni easy” which translates as “the dress of the dead white man”. An expression locals came up with after the first wave of second-hand clothes from the West swept into their country in the 70’s. People could hardly believe that clothing of such quality was just given away – instead they assumed that the previous owners must have died.
All the pieces of collection 001-118 were found on the Kantamanto Market in Accra, Ghana. It is one of the largest collection points for used clothes worldwide. The collection launched at the 2018 Paris Fashion Week.

Chapter 1: Morning

Chapter 2: Afternoon

Chapter 3: Night

Categories: Art project, photographic art, editorial photography, fashion editorial, vintage fashion, second hand clothing, fashion photography, creative direction, concept ideation, concept creation, location scouting, on-location photo shoot, studio photography, social media content, Felix Gaertner, content creation, fashion magazine, people photography, artistic photography athlete portrait, fashion styling, props design, magazine editorial, Berlin, London